The Magic of Pine Heart

The Magic of Pine Heart

I’d like to take you back to the Summer of 2018, my partner an I were busy conjuring for our first market place experience within the Vancouver Pagan Pride community. We had stumbled on some potent magic making uses for Pine. We were down by our local River bed, gathering sticks for a wand making workshop, when Ryan discovered a naturally fallen Pine tree by the bank. In Winter it had become uprooted, and had migrated down to our end of the river. As he came towards me with a massive piece of fallen wood, with the most gnarled and beautiful shape, I could smell the the airy and fragrant waft of rich Pine, even before he got within 10 feet of me. This took me on a great adventure in learning all about Fatwood or what I like to call it “Pine Heart”. It is created when the resin of a tree flows to the damaged area and the sap fills the wounded area to harden the tree, protecting it from disease, infection and rotting.

Metaphysical Properties
Planet: Mars
Element: Air
Deity(s): Cernunnos,
Magical Properties: Giver of strength, life and immortality and rejuvenation. Pine aids in purification and holds prosperous and stoic energy. Enabling all who use Pine in it’s many forms to hold fast in their journey, and to weather out the ebb of life with grace, compassion and fierce resolve. A great use is to use Pine in household rituals, especially ones involving banishing illness or negative influences.

The purifying properties of pine make this resin rich in design. Using Pine Heart resin creates a stoic energy, and allows us to stay the course during difficult times or when the ebb of life feels daunting. Pine wards off negative influences and is a great addition to household protection rituals. It is an amazing wood for wild craft and magical purposes.

Pictured are conjured Amber coloured orbs of PineHeart/Fatwood resin and the sticks are what we call Cauldron Starters! The orbs were extracted the resin from bundles of the pine sticks and the yield was phenomenal. This natural resource has so many amazing uses and the metaphysical properties are limitless.

Wishing you all the magic you can conjure, and THEN some!
